A Different Perspective -(I apologize for the graphic content) It must be seen. “I” must be seen.

Hello loves, as I settle into the new “norm” that my life now represents, I’m not exactly sure how to feel.

On Saturday, December 11, 2021, around 9:40pm, I was shot. Before the bullet made it’s way into my car, I heard a shot before it. In my mind, I’m thinking nothing of it because gun violence seems to ALSO be the new “norm” where I live.

Long gone are the times when we could sit down and have a civil conversation over a misunderstanding. These days, everyone with a gun is so quick to just open fire, not thinking for one moment, about the innocent bystanders. Me, Sicerie Brooks a.k.a. the “Pico Queen”, was that bystander of three, in this situation.

The way I’ve had to readjust my daily life has been surreal. I’ll let you read the details from someone better able to word what happened, without the continuous shedding of tears.

If you want to know more about what happened and what I’m currently up against, click the link below……

Everything about what happened and a way in which you can help from far and WIDE, lies here: Thank you for following my content and for reading the words from my heart. Happy Holidays loves. #StaySafe #GunviolenceisNOTok #Crossfire

My unbelievable shock at how this occurred, while I was on the job, driving like a normal human being and getting shot out of nowhere….
My new daily attachment for the next 6 months, “Lil Stinky Stoma” that I have the pleasure of emptying out and being rushed with a whiff of “holy shit” every single time…..
A drip hose that is at LEAST 8 inches inside my abdomen, sucking out plasma to decrease my risk of infection….
The incision on my stomach from where the doctor had to cut me open, to remove a bullet lodged in between my spine and tearing my rectum, to prevent poop from continuing to seep inside my body…
Goal of walking around the halls, 4xs a day…..


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